- Though they were ugly at first then when my mom told me it was Awesome I Love Rhinos Boy And Girl 1 Shirt brand I started to like them. From what I’ve heard, he’s one of those very few legitimately good famous Awesome I Love Rhinos Boy And Girl 1 Shirt people. I feel like the Chinese children making the shoes don’t agree with this sentiment. I still can’t figure out how any woman in her right mind would vote for some dude bragging about sexual assault. I thought that would have done it for at least 80% of the female republican vote. As a high schooler that has done lots of research and read lots of sources, pretty sure our climate is fucked if he gets a second term. My 5-year-old daughter saw Melania for the first time during the inauguration. She asked, “who’s that?” I said, “That’s Donald’s wife.” She exclaimed, “he’s married?! To a girl?! But I didn’t think he liked girls!”.
- I cringe every time I read these headlines because I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why white women have thrown so much support. I’m encouraged by the Biden/Harris signs popping up around the area I’m in, though. Hopefully, they get it Awesome I Love Rhinos Boy And Girl 1 Shirt now. I’m a 42-year-old suburban mom who caucused for Bernie and voted for Hillary. I am shocked to hear that so many women in my demographic were fans. I don’t know anyone in my circles that liked him! As an immigrant, I thought there is no way Americans who vote for someone like, American is better than that. Boy was I wrong. Let’s hope Americans can get it right this time. I’m a white guy and I’m sitting here wondering why it seems like we’re blaming women at all here. Grew up in rural PA and just moved last year to NY. I still have a lot of friends and contacts in PA.
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- I’m a 38-year-old white woman and long-time Bernie supporter. And I can Awesome I Love Rhinos Boy And Girl 1 Shirt say the women I see on FB that support him are some of the most outspoken, rage-induced crazy zealots I’ve ever Great Support Black People 11 Shirt seen. Any political post on any of my friend’s pages on FB is usually met with hate-filled posts from these women supporting. My wife and I just don’t get it, but they are by far the most outspoken demographic of his supporters. At the polling place every year there are usually two people from both parties. Republicans, and democrats, and usually, they’re like older church people. 2016, not only were they handing out Republican sample ballots on blue paper, rather than red for republicans, but there was only one person, and let’s just say they looked nothing like anyone that had ever handed out ballots at the polling place before.
- I had a (white) woman tell me, to my face, that every one of Awesome I Love Rhinos Boy And Girl 1 Shirt Clinton’s accusers was telling the truth and every one of the accusers was liars… because of reasons. I was also fucking stunned at this. I am a white middle-aged male and it’s not like we were any smarter as a demographic than the women. That said, as a liberal, I’ve been making the joke for years that perhaps we should only allow black women to vote as they are the one demographic that saw through the most. Something like 96% voted against him. Even though I love the United States, I might consider doing more remote IT work from Belize or Panama if he gets voted in. My brother-in-law is very disappointed. He will vote for him again this year, but with less enthusiasm.
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