Don’t get me wrong, I like lots of shows, movies, video Awesome Fuck You Shirt games, and such that are IP’s of other companies, therefore, making watching some of them restricted to one or two streaming sites or certain machines. Still doesn’t mean that I can’t see what it might be headed toward. It’s a very delicate balancing act on a tightrope. I think your making it a bigger deal than it actually is, it’s free on the internet anyways, it’s free on Apple TV for a few days, you can get a free 7-week trial if they didn’t show it and if you didn’t want to stream it off a different website.
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You can also pick up a physical copy if you want Awesome Fuck You Shirts and watch it unlimited times at any time of year. But even if they theoretically didn’t stream it for free, like you said they’d get a ton of backlash so they probably will never do that. Since this has gotten some attention, I don’t think some of you are considering the nuances of this seemingly harmless situation. Before, you could see the 54-year old cartoon special in anonymity for “free” so long as you had a TV that could get network. Now you must sign up for an account -paying in personal information. A lot of people don’t care about giving this information to companies for access, but many still do.
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