Every single ad they have I can repeat verbatim due to their frequency and annoying-ness. Honestly, if that’s their game that’s an Awesome Floral Fuck This Shit Shirt pretty good strategy. Thanks for listening to Spotify. No really, you could’ve listened to the radio. You could’ve spun some vinyl. You could’ve played a cassette tape. You could’ve listened to an 8-Track tape if you knew what an 8-Track tape looked like. But you listen to Spotify, thanks for that! and you still have hundreds of more playlists to enjoy. “Who Let the Dogs Out” – my little sister (24, not a kid) plays it every time she comes with my wife and me to walk our dog. The first time was humorous. The second time tolerable. After God knows how many times now…. it makes me irrationally angry.
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The fact she’s 24 makes it even better. I wrote this comment after midnight, I guess I wasn’t clear enough with my thoughts. I don’t have an Awesome Floral Fuck This Shit Shirt problem with Jewish summer camps or Jewish people. I’ve worked at Jewish camps before, and they’re great. My issue with this commercial is that it feels like a bait and switch. They claim to give the money to impoverished kids, and the commercial is completely secular. But then the money really only goes to one (pretty extreme) group to help them keep kids within their faith. As a teacher, I have a problem with the indoctrination of any sort, and I would have exactly the same issue if a Bible camp was being dishonest in their advertising. She was a good singer too. You could really feel the emotions she felt.
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I low key enjoy some Shawn Mendes stuff, Stitches isn’t amazing but I don’t hate it. But holy fuck, I just want to point out how Treat You Better is insane. The insane ramblings of Awesome Floral Fuck This Shit Shirt a man who’s convinced his crush would be better off with him than her current boyfriend. Blows my mind. Wife and I were listening to the playlist on the road trip up to the venue, cause we picked some damn good ones, but when that one came on I realized how depressing it actually was, and we scrapped it. Listen to your playlist, people! Wedding singer here. I always try to talk couples out of this song by asking them to read the lyrics, but a few refuse. Maybe it’s a musician thing, but I find it crazy how many people don’t realize what song lyrics are actually saying.
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