Still pretty memorable.Final Destination 2, Log Truck scene. Then one of Awesome Death Defund The Police T-Shirt the soldiers picked up his hand then saw the guy dying with half his body blown off. His last words? “Tell my girls I’ll be ok.” I saw that scene when I was a kid and it never left my head.This fuckin scene, I hate it that it haunts me and interrupts my thoughts every once in a while. I’d be thinking about work, my kids, planning stuff, WISHBONE SCENE, and my fuckin day is ruined. This is mine. Probably because I was 11 and watching it in a packed theater. The whole experience is still a vivid memory. That movie blew people away.
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Bittersweet fact, Mandy Patinkin’s father passed away from cancer an Awesome Death Defund The Police T-Shirt a few years before they filmed the movie. He’s said in interviews that he knew he wanted to play Inigo Montoya when he saw the script because he felt like if he could kill the man that killed his father, then it would be like killing cancer that killed his father. The way he just lays there with his eyes open all night. I don’t want to imagine what thoughts were spinning through his mind as he lay there for hours, then hearing his parents wake up but not knowing what to tell them, then hearing his mom go out to the car knowing what is waiting for her. That whole scene is so stressful on so many levels. In Silence of the Lambs when Hannibal gets a hold of the guard in his cage-cell and starts biting his face. Nine-year-old me was not ready for that, and I was less ready to hear my mom start laughing hysterically at the scene, I guess she just found it absurd.
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No question. The pinging sound haunts me to this day. The Awesome Death Defund The Police T-Shirt Green Mile. The whole thing, even down to the damn mouse. That movie was the first that ever made me cry and broke through my depression. No film will ever overwrite that one. I scrolled down too far to find this. It’s so random but this movie death stuck with me. The movie didn’t make her character unlikeable enough to have her killed in such a brutal way. And then his best friend has to watch him bleed out and later tell Blake’s brother about his death. Awful. That’s because he *is* the main character up until that point.
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