Redd has fake information statue, real academic painting, and fake girl with pearl earrings. My princess she is sharing wreath DIY. I have an Awesome Cinderella And Ariel Friends Shirt large take one leave one DIY section out front of the airport If anyone has an extra crown or wand DIYs LMK! I will tip. If you want to let me catalog some stuff that you own that would be great! – I’m going to start a Harry Potter theme island if you’re wondering what to bring! Or Dark colored furniture NO MORE ENTRIES FOR NOW. MY INTERNET CAN’T HANDLE TOO MANY AT ONCE WILL OPEN BATCH 2 soon Open the gate. SH. Leif is here. Both shops open :) Free t1l1 style section I have so many fossils. If you need any message me. I probably have it. No tips needed but appreciated. Looking for normal wood, customization kits, NMT,
or spare days I also need like 3 purple pansies! Will pay!My islands a mess at the moment…I need to redesign it haha
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I’m looking to catalog the Awesome Cinderella And Ariel Friends Shirt garden gnome variations. I have three variations on hand for cataloging: sprightly gnome (red hat, blue jacket), sleepy gnome (purplish hat, off-white jacket), and rebel gnome (black hat and jacket). Shoot me a DM of chat if you’re interested and can help me acquire the others. Thanks. I also have days I can exchange for my wishlist: garden wagon, gold dishes, peach surprise box, bamboo sphere, bamboo stool, wooden stool, giant teddy bear, fruit basket, bamboo wand, golden dung beetle Dm or chat letting me know what you have from my list and what you’d like to catalog in exchange My storage got full, so I cleared out duplicates and items I don’t use onto the beach. There are furniture and clothes. If you’re a new player and need stuff, dm/chat me. No tips or fees. However, I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to water a few flowers! But it’s not necessary. Send me a message.
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Redd is here and he’s selling the real sinking painting, the Awesome Cinderella And Ariel Friends Shirt real familiar statue, and the fake famous painting. He is also selling the cypress bathtub. I’m looking to drink vending machines in any color that isn’t green or black in exchange. That being said, I mostly just want to help people out so if you don’t have one. Please send me a private message instead of a chat—I don’t see chats on mobile. Thanks! EDIT: real familiar statue has been claimed. Real sinking painting transaction pending. The fake famous painting is still up for grabs.
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