I think I made it maybe 10 minutes. The short description I read before watching describing what it was about felt like it completely missed… I also think it’s funny whenever an Awesome 4th Of July Butterfly American Flag Shirt ad for a really bad movie displays a positive quote from a review that’s like “One of the year’s best thrillers! That reminds of one time, I saw a James Patterson book on a B&N shelf, and on the front, it had “‘You’re really going to like this one.’ -James Patterson” I just sat there thinking for a while. I mean, if James Patterson thinks I’m going to like this James Patterson book, then what have I got to lose?
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It’s funny because it’s Netflix, you can go back and see exactly where you dropped off. I was at minute 18. Netflix must be able to quantify this stuff. You know what, here’s the thing about Die Hard 4. Die Hard one, the Awesome 4th Of July Butterfly American Flag Shirt original, John McClane was just this normal guy. But he’s an everyday guy. In Die Hard 4, he is jumping a motorcycle into a helicopter. In air. Do you know? He’s invincible. It just sort of lost what Die Hard was. It’s not Terminator. – Michael Scott 4 wasn’t bad at all and I stand by that. 3 will always be my favorite. I saw it, and still, remember nothing about it. Didn’t it have something to do with him going to Russia for whatever stupidly contrived reason?
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The most hilarious thing about that scene isn’t the Awesome 4th Of July Butterfly American Flag Shirt fact that they broke the 180 rule like five times in as many seconds. The actually funniest part is that action movies put cuts in scenes like this all the time. Easily could have been the initial shot, then the legs running on the hood of the car. Then a go-pro type shot of the dog just down and to the side (like a wheel well angle for a car) as the dog is shown furiously closing the distance. During that shot, the stuntman (who is indistinguishable from Neeson at that distance) can be seen already cresting the fence. Then cut to a close shot of Neeson as he “falls” from the fence just as the dog arrives, snarling on the other side.
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