- Can anyone name the laws he and others broke by doing this and Amused Baby Groot Hugs Dutch Bros 11 Shirt avoiding taxes? It’s fun to dogpile on for like this BUT don’t ignore the fact that. He inflated property values to get loans and reduced his Amused Baby Groot Hugs Dutch Bros 11 Shirt taxes. He inflated a 2 million dollar property to a donated value of 200 million. He used inflated property values to illegally obtain loans. The lenders lost millions when he went bankrupt and the collateral properties were not real. Not to mention the ridiculous consulting fees to employed family members. Then illegally taken as expenses. It will all eventually come out..just like the tax records he filed. It means that he was required to pay a minimum amount that the IRS thought he might owe, during the course of the extension. But once he actually filed, he claimed that what he owed was in fact only 750. The difference was either refunded that year or held by the IRS and refunded in later years. Oh, okay.
- So because it’s legal we should slap on the wrist and let him off with an Amused Baby Groot Hugs Dutch Bros 11 Shirt warning? What kind of toddler treatment is that for a grown-ass adult? This foul play hurt our economy for one man. You arent even upset about HIM doing it, are you? Oh, come on! They all do it! If a President can’t cheat the tax system then what kind of country are we really living in? Every Republican. To folks talking about how this is legal… consider how tax avoidance takes money out of your pocket. If people at the top aren’t paying taxes, then who is paying for roads, fire departments, and schools? This means either taxes overall are raised to account for it, or we raise the national debt to account for it. Or these things fall further into disrepair, and you get to hear about car accidents after someone hit a pothole, or about asbestos poisoning 10 years after your kid went to the school that was built in the 1950s. Paid over 5 million in taxes last year.
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- All so that the folks at the top can play a few more games Amused Baby Groot Hugs Dutch Bros 11 Shirt of golf. Also, Obama paid roughly 2390 times as much in taxes as did in his first year as president. And unlike, Obama doesn’t slap his tacky name on buildings and says he’s worth an Ecstatic MeMe Rainbow Heart 022 Shirt billion. The whole schtick was that he was going to be the rich president who wouldn’t take out a salary and pay for stuff out of his own pocket. Also, the average tax payments among the 0,001% of top earners are 25 million which arguably also doesn’t sound like a lot by comparison. But it’s a ton more than 750. Even among fellow billionaires, pays exceptionally little. Somewhere, right now Kayleigh McEnany is filling out tabs for the book of lies talking points binder for the next press event. I seem to remember a Presidential candidate in 2016 theorizing that either doesn’t pay taxes or isn’t as rich as he claims to be as the reason they won’t release their tax returns on a debate stage.
- Hasn’t droned bombed as many innocents as Obama so Amused Baby Groot Hugs Dutch Bros 11 Shirt he got that going for him. Also, he paid more than 750, this is a quote from the article. Each time, he requested an extension to file his 1040; and each time, he made the required payment to the I.R.S. for income taxes he might owe 1 million for 2016 and 4.2 million for 2017. I’m not going to pretend I understand how businesses or tax works but I don’t think the people who wrote this article do either, nor do most people that’s why they run a bs headline then contradict themselves on their own article. His liability was 750, meaning that’s what he owed at the end of the year. Most people pay their taxes with every paycheck and very few people end up with a liability at the end instead of a refund. The framing here was intentionally dishonest. I don’t care if he avoided taxes, most corporations and rich people do that’s just the way it is right now.
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