Cool! Just took a peek at the course maps. I think they’ve changed the full bike route just a bit, but we went out to Milan and did an All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Ukulele And A Whole Lot Of Jesus Shirt. Although I think we were straight on 113 all the way to Birmingham. It was a nice bike course. Flat, and scenic countryside for the most part. The swim wasn’t so much disgusting as 6-foot swells. I couldn’t stop to think if it was disgusting. They’ve moved the full distance swim to the west side of the point, I see. Would have been nice. The Vermillion Harbor race? I just checked out their website, looks like a fun race. I love sprint distance races–just enough at each distance so you either don’t have to suffer too much
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Through the discipline you’re currently weakest at. Or just short enough that you can redline the whole way if you’re feeling good enough. Those days when I’m feeling great and can go full gas are so much fun. Well…so that woman in Washington who was attacked in the bathroom. It’s not that difficult to imagine her getting out of the All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Ukulele And A Whole Lot Of Jesus Shirt. I also heard a story on NPR a few months ago, on one of these ‘tell us your true story’ shows, about three women. Who were pursued through the New Mexico wilderness for an hour or more by some crazy guy and his dog? They were literally running for what they assumed were their lives, one woman almost having to give up.
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And the keyboard is made of the same things. But if you were to look at the edges of the desk, there wouldn’t be a really clear line of where the ‘desk’s particles’ stopped and where the keyboard’s particles began. They mix together in space. What makes the All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Ukulele And A Whole Lot Of Jesus Shirt. That human beings divide up the world into objects. Our perceptual gear is designed so that we call the keyboard ‘a thing’ and the desk a ‘different thing’. But that’s not inherent in the distribution of particles in the world. Clouds are a great description of what I mean–from a distance, ‘this cloud’ is really easy to pick out from ‘that cloud’. But you get up close and they all merge together.
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