The left doesn’t understand where the concept of Rights comes from. Or what it 19th Birthday 2020 Trump The One Where I Celebrate My Birthday In Quarantine Tee Shirt. This actually intentional on the part of their propagandists. This is a huge problem that has meant the left and right talking past one another for 50+ years. I think I get what you mean, but on that level, I would favor Sowell’s analysis that the conflict of visions is between those that believe that utopia is possible. It can be created, and those that believe. That utopia is not possible in a world of this complexity and all that man can hope to create is a better situation.
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You can’t argue against because of the 19th Birthday 2020 Trump The One Where I Celebrate My Birthday In Quarantine Tee Shirt. Always becomes an Every True Scottsman fallacy. The thing is, you can’t justify any moral with logic or science. Relying on logic and science for such is therefore illogical and unscientific. Yet society demands that we treat each other “well,” and that “well” is a moral claim. Pure reliance on logic and science is why many parts of the left terrify me and why atheism has historically been a key ingredient of communism.
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You can have morals as a 19th Birthday 2020 Trump The One Where I Celebrate My Birthday In Quarantine Tee Shirt. But you can’t be one of those logic and science-only hardliners and be consistent. Luckily for us most of those folks are inconsistent. From my experience, the divide comes down to people who think everything about society is internal and the creation of man (everything is a social construct) vs people who believe that there is some kind of ideal good or natural order external and superior to man. You tend to see people go left or right politically based on which worldview they hold to.
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