I was just in Yellowstone with Wonder Hockey Merry Light Christmas 2020 Shirt a toddler. Definitely had a kid leash. That place is dangerous. I used to say “not my kid.” Then my daughter became a toddler run away and I was a single mom with 2 toddlers. I got a leash very quickly! My mom got me one of those leashes when I was around 4 I think after I wandered off in a mall and disappeared for a couple of hours, my mom legit thought I got kidnapped or sth and passed out from crying but apparently, I wandered to the arcade “which is like a 15 min walk on the other side of this huge mall”.
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And got on one of those motorcycle racing games with. A motorcycle Wonder Hockey Merry Light Christmas 2020 Shirts model to get on and kept pretending to ride a motorcycle until security found me. 20 years later she still brings up my wandering off incidents. While dropping my almost 4-year-old Off at school, I had to put my almost 2-year-old down and the teacher mentioned that she had no idea how big he was because she’d never seen me not holding him. Because he ran when put down and a street toddler is not a popular thing. Children are feral.
Other product: Happy Halloween In Quarantine Shirt