And even when you move past that Have Rockin The Housekeeper Life Shirt point to a system of the complexity of an F-35. How often do you really need dynamic memory allocation even at your highest user space application layer? Do you even need it on a per-thread basis? A per-process basis? A per operation basis? Can you imagine a way that your entire algorithm can operate efficiently in fixed-size arrays? In most cases. The software engineers on that platform figured out how to rewrite massive portions of the Linux ecosystem to use exclusively static memory allocation. Now granted. They have full control over the platform. And the hardware.
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But what can we learn from that as an industry? Does Have Rockin The Housekeeper Life Shirts every dynamically sized array that you’ve written in the last six months need to be dynamically sized? Could even a subset of them be rewritten as a statically sized array without loss of functionality. While still meeting your requirements? Because they don’t care about rich people. They care about themselves. They think why to bother lifting all boats when they can just drain the coffers into their pockets. And the consequences to everyone else. Have you ever known a Republican to follow common sense?
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